31 / 2
7th Nov 2012
8th Apr 2013
we need something unique on powdertoy, but it has to be an optional change, something this drastic should not be manditory also i am really surprised by the amount of votes and views i have gotten, i am now hoping to reach fp for moderators to see easily


  • Kikinicij
    29th Dec 2012
    Nice idea. +1
  • cylers
    24th Dec 2012
    i never said it would be an easy change, the best ones never are but i think it would some degree of purpose to the electronics that i find missing currently
  • Oats
    24th Dec 2012
    @ tothemyers; In real life we have step up and step down transformers, which use magnets. So your right, we would need two new elements
  • cylers
    27th Nov 2012
    exactly my point, the spark generated isnt even being used, its being duplicated upon use, so discharging and having an output would be awesome in my opinion
  • cyberdragon442
    17th Nov 2012
    Yes...I just wish unwanted electricity would just go away. It's giving me hell.
  • cylers
    14th Nov 2012
    true enough, but i want the idea to start fairly simple to amass some votes votes, if 14 people see a complicated idea that does me no good ^_^
  • thebuilder
    12th Nov 2012
    what would be better is votage and amps, votage being strength and amps being distance between and how many sparks
  • cyberdragon442
    12th Nov 2012
    If you tell me where to get that...I might actually like Minecraft. O:
  • cylers
    10th Nov 2012
    hey thanks guys, i got the inspiration from tekkit, a minecraft mod
  • cyberdragon442
    7th Nov 2012
    How about a continuos current mode ( no pulsing crap) have charges, and a mode to make it flow in circuits. Then add magnetism to interact with it. *fps 60...50...40....30...20...10...* "Powder Toy.exe has stopped working!" D: