Clock Challenge

  • cctvdude99
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Clock or timer?
    EDIT: You don't need PSCN or NSCN to get a one way current.
  • Racer-Delux
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    The timer is part of the clock.

    When I say timer, I mean the mechanism that cycles through one minute.
  • cctvdude99
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Does it have to be clock that actually works, or can it just be any random stuff (you know what I mean)? Really, you can't make an accurate clock as the speed of a spark varies by framerate!
  • Racer-Delux
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    It needs to work, accuracy of about 5 minutes off after the duration of 24 hours (a maximum of 4.8 seconds off per minute)

    The whole thing where the user changes timer is to allow the clock to be more accurate on different frame rates. So you know, you can require the user to time one actual minute and click something in your timer to set the correct time loop.

    The one I made had around a 1 second per hour error (only tested on two computers).
  • pegosh2
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Do you have an entry? I'd like to reverse engineer it if you do, so I can at least have an idea how to do this... *Newer TPT user*
  • Racer-Delux
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    In the process of remaking one. I do not think I can import the old stamp.

    One of the biggest things you will need to use is the PLUT logic gate. Here is a diagram:
    PLUT Clone = C, E-Wall = E, Conductive wall = W, PLUT = P, Wall = L, black spot = B, Wall that absorbs particles = D, Generator = G


    Spark the first W to load the gate, spark the second W to activate the gate.

    Another useful hint. When making wires, use the "Pipe" method. Draw one pixel of water or other conductor and surround it with goo or wood.

    For an example of the old matrix, look at my nuke reactor. It uses many of the old logic gates and does not contain a single new element (except for diamond (the pressure was messing up the goo).
  • cctvdude99
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    We have water, spark and metal! What could possibly go wrong!?

    And I would LOVE to see youmake one! =D
  • Racer-Delux
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Will do.

    No idea why people have completely abandoned the old logic gates... They are still very useful!
    Until a particle E-Wal that does not block pressure is made, many logic gates can not even be recreated using other means without clunky data writing.
  • the-pickle
    22nd Mar 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Racer-Delux
    22nd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    I am trying to convince a few to join. They are thinking it is too hard -.-

    Anyway, JOIN!

    IMPORTANT: Exception to the not allowed list. The yellow wall is ok to use.

    Here is al ink to a pic of the original powder toy.