You CAN use: - All elements from the ORIGINAL powder toy - All walls from ORIGINAL powder toy
You CANNOT use: - Any new elements or walls
The clock must: - Be either 24 hour or 12 hour display, but not both - AM and PM - EASY to set - Timer that can be changed without modifying the electronics (ie. through the use of switches)
Error Allowed: The clock must be accurate. The maximum error the clock can have is 5 minutes off per 24 hours (4.8 seconds per minute)
Bonus if: - The electronics are small - The ability to set one alarm
Reward for first place: - A badly made particle smiley face - Satisfaction that you won
Note: New elements include, but are not limited to, Wifi, BTRY, PSCN, NSCN, all semi conductors, array, INST
Post all entries on this page with any required instructions (should not need to much instruction)
Nope, those are both new elements. The point of this challenge is to be challenging (For newer PT users. Many PT users from the old PT may not find most of this too hard).