• Anmol444
    25th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @lolzy (View Post)
    What is wrong with asking for down votes.
  • Catelite
    25th May 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I think one of the comments in the save itself speaks volumes.

    "Wow I feel so bummed... A vote down sign got more interest than most of my saves."

    Votes ideally should be a measure of how good something is. In the end it's more a measure of how popular, as the amount of work that goes into something isn't usually proportional to how popular it is.

    ...But making a save just to ask for votes that actually gets them? It's a bit much, and it's not fair for all the people who make saves just to get votes, and can't. Reminding people of their ability to vote on a save alone will twist the votes in a person's favor half the time, simply because they may forget otherwise. It just isn't fair, is all. =/

    Anyway locking this. Threads in the creations forum are tolerated for advertising (since that's what everyone does in it anyway, lol) but since this is technically against the publishing guidelines, might not want to let this thread stick around.
Locked by Catelite: Nothing personal <3