Chlorine, can purify water, can be concentraded, powder.
Chlorine vapor, toxic, can also be concentrated, gas, flows slowly upward and stops after 20 pixels.
Liquid Chlorine, can also purify water, can be concentraded(setting via tmp), liquid.
Chlorined water, can be concentrated, if the temperature is above 150C it evaporates in water vapor and chlorine vapor, concentration made via chlorine, TMP defines it.
Vantablack, transforms PHOT and UV into temperature instantly, has a white layer on it(every pixel touching nothing turns white via Tmp), if touching CRWT and if the temperature is above 125C it enters in fusion [PROT=300, NEUT=250, ELEC=100, Temp=9570].
Instant fusion, can be used for better fusions, without the need of Tmp, .life or Tmp2.
Electronic emissor, emits a ELCW to a receptor, Tmp defines to which ELCR the ELCW.
Electronic receptor, recepts a ELCW, Tmp defines the ELCW that will be recepted.
Electronic waves, can "flow" to a receptor, emited by a ELES.
The eletronic things can be more... cool.
That's just a false positive. The same thing sometimes happens with vanilla TPT as well.
Hey its saying there a virus in this, why exactly is that? im awating a answer
Rest assured, it's not like this mod (or jacob's mod) has a real virus that could harm your PC. It's just a false positive from windows defender which thinks it might™.
I thought jacob solved the problem a few days ago, but it seems like it isn't solved yet.
Nice. If you can throw some details about that fusion element, I might actually try making one!
Edited 101 times last: 12:12:12
lol i like the cursor circle feature
You are the first one to say that, lol.
It has been suggested in the past too. Not sure why I didn't make it load the extra elements on startup.
Anyway, it will be there as an option in the next version :)