Highpower channel type reactor

    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Indeed, that thing you created is amazing. I think it could be The Powder Toy The Most Amazing Thing #01! :D Just my guess.
    сдраствуитье, исвините, я не панимаю порусски. я гаварю по-эстонски.
    Sorry, I used Google Russian Input for that thing. I actually can speak Russian, but badly.
  • boxmein
    18th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Epic thing, but when I ran it, it started then worked for a few seconds then SCRAMmed, and then stopped after all. MPSGA sa eestist?
  • StreetStrider
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    WOOD and PLANT is transparent for neutrons. PLANT becomes WOOD when neutrons go through, and WOOD get holes.
    Some of walls are also may be suitable.
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    jah, kust teadsid? ah õigus... mu venekeele tekst näitas välja:D
    Are you going to create V3 soon?
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    How long do you spark the RUN button?

    Yes, I know, but this material is not hard enough and decaying under strong neutron flux.

    Yes, I'm working on it.
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hello again.

    Reactor has been modified to operate normaly, due to the physics changes in the v44.4.

    Have fun.

    If you have questions - I'll be glad to ask.

  • cooldaddy96
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    God. This is amazing.
  • corhen
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Amazing, there are three back ups, 2 scrams (well, 2 ways to activate it) and the Moderator!
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Now, as the WIFI element is here - I can forget the cables!

    Wait for some time, totally new variant is on it's way! ;)
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hello again everybody!
    V 3.0 BETA is here!

    Please, read:

    ========= OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ===========


    V 3.0 BETA


    This is the rather rough model of the channel type nuclear reactor.
    Horizontal cross section is shown.


    - reactor core with plutonium fuel 'rods'
    - manual start-up
    - double SCRAM system
    - automatic and manual moderation
    - emergency cutoff
    - reactor state indications
    - power indicatator

    NEW Features:

    - reactor shut down at start
    - moderator 'rods' added
    - starter 'rods' added
    - plutonium fuel 'rods' now with automatic refill
    - sensetivity of the neutron indicators increased
    - 'active' power indicatator added


    To start:

    1) Spark the "START" metal ring at the top right corner. Green indicator will light up appear
    2) Wait 3-5 sec until moderator 'rods' will be retracted (lights up).
    3) Spark the "START" again for 3-5 sec.
    4) OFF indicator will light down and RUN indicator will light up
    5) Reactor power can be seen at the corresponding indicator.
    5) Reactor will run at full power within 2-3 minutes and MAX indicator will light up
    6) Power will be limited automaticly - if the power level exceeds maximum levels, neutron absorber material will be activated, and moderator 'rods' insterted. MOD indicator will light up and power will be slowly lowered.

    To slow down:

    1) Spark 1 sec the "MODERATOR" metal ring at the top right corner.
    2) Watch power indication carefully, if you spark too long, reactor will shut down.
    3) In case of unintentional shutdown, restart reactor as usual.

    To reload fuel:

    1) N/A - automatic

    To stop reactor softly:

    1) Spark the "STOP" metal ring at the top right corner. Red indicator lights up.

    Emergency stop:

    1) Spark the "CUT" emergency cutoff switch.
    2) Reactor will stop in 10-15 sec max, disregard of it's power level.
    3) After manual SCRAM, no restart possible: please, reload the simulation.



    1) Atomatic emergency shutown activated in two conditions:
    Pressure in the reactor core exceeds 10 bar
    Pressure rizes faster then 5 bar/sec

    2) If the SCRAM activated, wait 15 sec until reactor fully shut down, than spark the RESET SCRAM switch and restart reactor as usual.

    MRHP (Moderation 'rods' heat protection):

    1) If the moderator 'rod' exposed to the extreme heat ( >3000 °C, "core meltdown" contidion ), it's automaticly inserted and can not be removed. Please, reload the simulation.

    ========= EOF ===========

    I'll be glad to hear any thoughts about this simulation.
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