Highpower channel type reactor

  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hi guys!

    I spent a whole weekend from idea to this:

    I will be glad to hear any thoughts and ideas, how to improve this baby.
  • MiXih
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    How to use this?
  • Rob215
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    and it is supposed to do in the noob language?
  • devast8a
    18th Oct 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I like this a lot.
    Um. Improve the readability of the signs, and so the buttons don't get "Stuck" with spark.
  • MiXih
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Now I understand it, but where is power output lol?
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    ========= OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ===========

    V 2.15


    This is the rather rough model of the channel type nuclear reactor.
    Horizontal cross section.


    - reactor core with plutonium fuel rods
    - manual start-up
    - double SCRAM system
    - automatic and manual moderation
    - manual cutoff
    - reactor state indications
    - power indicatator


    To start:

    1) Spark 3 sec the "RUN" metal ring at the top right corner.
    2) OFF indicator will light down and RUN indicator will light up
    3) Reactor will run at full power within 1 minute and MAX indicator will light up
    4) Power will be limited automaticly - if the power level exceeds maximum levels, neutron absorber material will be activated and MOD indicator will light up.

    To slow down:

    1) Spark 1 sec the "MOD" metal ring at the top right corner.
    2) Watch power indication carefully, if you spark too long, reactor will shut down.
    3) In case of unintentional shutdown, restart reactor as usual.

    To reload fuel:

    1) Fuel rods requires manual reload - erase 1/3 of the plutonium and waste at the bottom of each rod.
    2) Plutonium will fill the fuel rod

    To stop reactor softly:

    1) Spark 10 sec the "MOD" metal ring at the top right corner.

    Emergency stop:

    1) Spark the "CUT" emergency cutoff switch.
    2) Reactor will stop in 10 sec max, disregard of it's power level.
    3) After manual SCRAM, no restart possible: please, reload the simulation.


    1) Atomatic emergency shutown activated in two conditions:
    Pressure in the reactor core exceeds 2.6 bar
    Pressure rizes faster then 2 bar/sec

    2) If the SCRAM activated, wait 15 sec until reactor fully shut down, than spark the RESET SCRAM switch and restart reactor.

    ========= EOF ===========

    I apologize for any spelling errors - my English is a little rusty. ;)

    If you have any questions - I will be glad to answer.
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Just wrote the manual.


    Thank you for reply and I'm glad, that you like it.
    Your processor is much more complex and exciting.


    No power for this time - it's just a neutron breeder reactor for ... research!
  • naruto123
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I bypassed all the moderator and scram system and the reactor is glowing blue from neutrons
  • HeyJD
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Wow... That's pretty cool. Thumbs up from me.
  • den_koshkin
    18th Oct 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Аre you russian?
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