4x8 bit SRAM Chip : TPT4802

  • baizuo
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks for reply! I made a real chip version, for CPU builders and anyone who need a SRAM



    1. Move all the display out of the chip
    2. Arranged the units like this (8 bit each, extendable to 16 bit or more!):
    [] [] than before : [] [] [] []
    [] []
    thus make it longer but more narrow, so you can copy it aside you counter/CPU. If you don't want any display, just copy the contents in the yellow box
    3. Removed my logo for easier copy and paste
    4. Now there are 3 groups of pins: controllers, data, clear. CLR now is put separate, for it's dangerous: it will erase all of your data on the chip, use it wisely.
    5. Compact pins on the same side, designed for CPU builders

    Please note that: the data port was directly connected to some WIFI, so you can move them out for the chip, put them to anywhere you like, then you got a remote SRAM!
  • Langeweile
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    When I try to download, it's 0 Byte. Is it only me?
  • hugoRawr
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    0.0 incredible..... I have 4 gigabytes of this same stuff..... Wooooowweeee, I wrote 42 in it, very nice work

  • baizuo
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    wow, sorry, seems Skydrive used dynamic download address

    fixed, now using the address of download page, it's static

    Yes, and you can write/read it ~200,000,000 times per seconds! Computer is magic!
  • plead-for-destruction
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    complex but still neat must have taken a long time?
  • baizuo
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    the first save by myself! I used another proxy

  • lucasspencer123
    5th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    baz I like this but I don't want to sound horrid it's awesome but too large and quite slow some bits I don't understand which is what makes it great but due to it's size it would be extremely hard to use due to timing and per four bytes that's an 8th of the screen like is it possible you could attempt to make it smaller it's great just that 4 bytes is a bit small for that size but keep the control panel the same just make it a bit smaller. That's really tue only thing I have to say that's bad but it's fantastic it shows the new found power in ptt and what you can create you would be great at making an ssd