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How to use the save file 1.download the .stm file 2.put it in yor "Powder\stamps" folder 3.open stamps.def with any text editor, for example notepad.exe 4.add the file name(without .stm) to the head. Then close and save it. Enjoy
[If you are a CPU builder, you may need a compact version with optional display HERE]
How to use (important)
See this is a real RAM chip
Then it's my honor to introduce my proud work to you, a 4x8 bit SRAM chip: TPT4802
As what you see above, there are 14 pins. On the left, there are WR, #CS, RD, A1, A0. On the right there are CLR, D0~D7. The functions are below: (When I say 'spark', I mean one or few sparks, when I say 'X=1', I mean give X continuous sparks. =0 for no spark)
WR: Write pin. When WR=1, the data form D0~D7 will be write into the selected unit of TPT4802. Be careful, the chip would erase the existed date before write.
#CS: Chip Select pin. When #CS=0, the chip works; if #CS=1, the chip act same as a stone :P
RD: Read pin. When RD=1, the data of selected unit will be sent to D0~D7. Read data won't erase what you wrote.
A0,A1 Memory Unit Select pin. Let (A0,A1)=(0,0) to select the 1st unit, (0,1) for the 2nd unit, (1,0) for the 3rd and (1,1) for the last. There is a short delay due to the PTCT cooling down effect.
CLR: Clear pin. One spark sent to CLR will clear all the data in the TPT4802. Also used to clear error message. ( If WR and RD equal '1' in the same time, in fact TPT4802 works under WR mode, and it won't ruin anything. But real chip don't allow that. So if you give WR and RD continuous spark in the same time, an error message occurred, but nothing changed. If you want to clear the error message, you have to sent a spark to CLR pin, clear the error message and all the data(maybe wrong data).)
D0~D7: Data pin. Write spark into TPT4802 under WR mode, read data form TPT4802 under RD mode.
More information * WIFI occupation It used only 23(8+8+2+4+1) channels of WIFI. 8 for 8bit data, 8 for WR/RD control for 4 unit, 2 for WR/RD bus signal, 4 for unit selection message display, 1 for WR/RD display. In realistic mode, display is no needed, so TPT4802 required 18 channels of WIFI only, it gives a memory of 4*8=32bit=4 Byte
* Extension If 4802 combined together properly, they can give a larger memory space.
Bit extension: For 4*16 bit memory, prepare 2 TPT4802, one to save the higher 8 bit of your data, another one to save the lower 8. To do so, tweak the data WIFI frequency(8 channels) of one of them, no need to change the frequency of control WIFI. 1 more WIFI channel is required for every extended bit. a 4*16 matrix need 8 more channels, a 4*24 need 16 more channels.
Word extension: It's a bit more difficult. For 8*8 bit memory, prepare 2 TPT4802, tweak the control WIFI frequency(4*2+2=10 channels) of one of them, no need to change the frequency of data WIFI. Make a decoder circuit, connect the output directly to the proper #CS pin. (decoder output was opposite to encoders, 1 means deselect, 0 means select. That's why I use #CS but not CS: you can link the output directly without a NOT gate). 10 more WIFI channels is required for every four 'word' (8 bit or 16 bit or more), 2.5 on average for 1 'word'. Seems more channels required than bit extension, but if you have a big bit-width, it will gives you amout of memory space with every single 'word'.
it is, in the stamps folder there is all the stamps then at the bottom there is the SRAM4x8bit, then the stamps.def with SRAM4x8bit(then somenumbers and letters) AGHH now i only have 2 stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!