I Join. I tried to make a clock before. Now I'm on a very good position. My "Timer" can switch minutes. Accuracy is about 1sec/min But I afraid that result will be too big for PT screen!!!
@Racer-Delux Am I allowed to make it count in binary? Because binary is just off and on, I have left things close together to make a crystal display. and right now it's hard to make walls close together.
If only you were around during the first PT. For those who played PT then, they would know that I made a clock using the same guidelines used in this contest. The additions to the timer is the only change. Since there is a good deal more room in the new PT, this should not be an issue to add.
Why you think I would make a challenge that is impossible confuses me. I will have an example done in a day or two. It is nearly complete.