I didn't get very far with it because my computer went at about...4FPS, so I am going to leave it for a while and return for results. The patterns have a randomised input/ output and any unsettling results are either your imagination or are random... you need more inputs...
@rrusciguy(View Post) hmm... the difference between mine and yours is that mine will carry out the process and come to an end with final results, rather that continuously going. It won't create much of a processor if it starts but never ends the process, because it comes to a conclusion... maybe you need to make it so that a path can not be crossed twice to prevent continuous in/output.
@The-Con(View Post) in that case, only 1 could be used. And I will see If I can come up with such a solution for larger scale.
And mine could have applications in AI.... or where continuous input is wanted at random or something
Or possibly a combination of both our neurons?
And I just tested a 4x4 core of only my "central" neurons (the one without any loop-backs), it doesn't appear that a processor made up solely of those will continue on forever