@firehappy Yes, that means superchargers are impossible in TPT... D= Turbo's have 2 sides, a cold and a hot: Some forums on the internet: A Turbo is a turbine with two halves, one half (the hot side) is driven off the exhaust gasses (hense lag as low revs etc. = less gas to spin the turbo). The cold side of the turbo takes air in from the outside world and forces (=forced induction) it into the combustion chambers of the engine, normally via a cooler to make sure the air is cold.
So as the cold side forces air in, that is the pressure and oxygen bit.
@snowfire777 Yes it is ok. This from S.S. might not have helped: "I went to have my eyes tested today and there was a hobo talking to himself about Suicide Bombers! LOL"
Also, I meant engine competition, not just random engine chittah chattah.
The "Pressure" in the combustion chamber surely rises BUT, you have to consider that the engine first injects the fuel (together with the air from the turbo-/supercharger) and then compresses the air/fuel mixture, so the pure pressure added by the charger has to be overcome by the other pistons first. However since you have more oxygen you can add more fuel, which adds a bigger punch to the combustion which increases the net. poweroutput of the the engine.
So actually the "adding pressure" argument is invalid. Glad i could clear things up for you guys, i´ll be moving along now.