you must have a realistic engine the one that is bigger(not in size but consumes more fuel faster) and blows out more power through exausts wins
Sorry, but they do not work together, as they are opposites. Anyway... K I will enter with 2 engines if that is OK? I know this will probably be biased as I owned you when it came to large engines, so I don't expect to win. Taken down.
@vanquish349 That isn't a turbo (for the fifth time, please make a real turbo). Check my turbocharged car for a REAL turbo.
EDIT: Can we have un-biased judges please? You seem to think engines with a lot of flame are realistic and powerful, when in general, they aren't.
@the-pickle OK, sorry, I will mod those? They have 1 pixel of clone! But can I mod them and re-enter a different save? And the oil+desl turbo one has PCLN. You didn't say anything about PCLN.