This update will break all the scripts that used pavg as a property. Currently there's no compatibility code to run older scripts in newer versions. I will try to fix it in coming versions tho.
If you can provide the exact script number, it will help fixing it sooner.
Delete a file called updatedmp.lua in data folder, it's no longer used.
(118) extra customizable hud
(210) subframe chipmaker script
alhough i haven't used that one seriously yet
It's just a false positive. You can safely ignore it. Windows defender always like to flag new tpt updates as a possible* threat.
See this post for more details
This update fixes most of the issues previous update introduced. This includes fixes like tptmp not showing up for most users, lua scripts requiring older properties not running at all and some other minor things. Although it seems like a minor update but in reality it isn't. This improves the existing stack tools making them actually useful and also brings in a new manager update that allows you to search scripts (thanks to @jacob1). There's also this super cool MGNT element I added (not 100% realistic but is definitely one of its kind).
A detailed changelog was already added in the main post you can check it out if you want to.
What wiki?
The same reason why every sensor element's range is capped at 25 max, it would lag the game if they were allowed to do all those checks past a certain limit.
This element does a lot of other work and since it gets resource intensive preety quickly I decided to set it to 20. This way you can still use decent sized chunks of it without any noticeable lag or performance drops.