I know this isn't a suggestion thread, but perhaps tapping into wood. Could create rubber in some cases. Kind of like tapping into maple tree's to get the syrup.
This would work by exposing the element WOOD to HEAT. While cooling RUBR can be extracted from WOOD, but has to be tapped into, if that makes sense.
RUBR can be artificially created by OIL and COAL, other hydrocarbons.
Attached via an imgur link are screenshots of both the cli-driven game I compiled using your github repo and TPT cross-platform compile instructions, and the screenshot of the problem that arises when I try launch the application version of the game(the one linked by the in-game manual download button gets me the same Intel x64 build, but of your modded version and not the original TPT).
I removed that check in last update, can you compile the repo after pulling all the recent changes?
Also, yes the mac version I am offering currently is intel x86_64 one since the aarch64 one is kinda unsupported. Mac os doesn't support my URS updater or infact even vanilla version updater so you have to download it manually everytime an update is released.
Here's the download link for v52.5 of my mod for Mac. Yes, You will to run it with compatibilty settings (Rosetta if that's what you call it).
Update tptmp to v2.0.27
Fix maticzpl's embedded notification script not working because of a malformed URL
Fix CLRC not sticking to COPR.
Fix prop tool not setting x and y coordinates properly.
Fix RUBR catching fire while bouncing off particles, better burn code.
New reaction: OIL and GAS now dissolves RUBR.
Improve the pressure blocking code for wall element.
URS now handles file renaming globally.
Download Links: Windows 64 bit || Windows 32 bit || Linux 64 || MacOs
An error is occuring when upading the mod in-game. Error code: 600
@Apolovespowdertoy (View Post)
By any chance are you on win11? There's a known issue where win11 won't let users download stuff as it used to do on win10.
nobody answered me should i try to download the mod back?
Yes, you can download the mod it's safe. Also, @Darkwrist already answered your question.
So if you are constantly getting fiiledone errors while downloading the update in-game, then this post is for you.
Things to take care of to avoid getting the same error:
First make sure you are on latest version of the mod that is v53.1 (you will have to download the update manually if you can't update it in game)
Now, you have to rename the executable to something else. Make sure it is not called older or oldmod or anything. Any other name should work.
Also, I suggest you to open data folder (which can be done using simulation options > searching open data folder button and clicking on it) and deleting a file called old/ older.exe/ oldmod. This might be causing the filedone errors on previous versions.
After successfully following all the above steps, you can check if the updater works for you by going to Cr-menu > control centre > force update and letting the updater do its job.
Let me know if you still face any error after doing all that. Lastly it has come to my notice that win11 users are getting 600 status codes, make sure windows security isn't blocking the mod and that it is allowed to download stuff over internet. Also, thanks to @jacob1 for pointing out some things in the code.
Download Links: Windows 64 bit || Windows 32 bit || Linux 64 || MacOs