20-bit Binary > Decimal converter

  • The-Con
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @c3z (View Post)
    As small numbers they are easy, but if it is big numbers you want converted, then it isn't as easy. Either way bin-dec is the hardest.
  • shroom207
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @baizuo (View Post)
    Lol your avatar when i get older i am gonna have surgery 2 have red eyes and red hair like that.Since my dad is a volcanologist we can afford it.No not look like a girl just 2 have red eyes and red hair my dad has already done it.
    Back 2 topic:Very nice binary converter i voted up.
  • rrusciguy
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    actually, once you know the eqn it is quite simple.
    0 1 1 0
    8 4 2 1 = (8*0)+(4*1)+(2*1)+(1*0) = 4+2 = 6.
    2^3=8, 2^2=4,2^1=2,2^0=1.
    any questions?
  • The-Con
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @rrusciguy (View Post)
    c3z is asking for a dec-bin converter, not how to convert it with your head.
    here is an example of a dec-bin converter (small)
  • rrusciguy
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @The-Con (View Post)
    Ah, that IS much more of a challenge.....
  • mniip
    22nd Apr 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    @rrusciguy (View Post)
    you wrote 1 2 4 8
    And what about when numbers are not small
    1 024
    2 048
    4 096
    8 192
    16 384
    32 768
    65 536 (that's all I remember)
    131 072
    262 144
    524 288
    1 048 576
  • rrusciguy
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    it continues on, 2^n,2^(n-1),2^(n-2),......2^3,2^2,2^1,2^0
  • mniip
    22nd Apr 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    I know maths. But in TPT
  • rrusciguy
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    In order to do those in TPT, we'd need several extra independent but interconnected electronics layers :P
  • theKJM
    22nd Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    that is cool

    i have memorized it

    4096 (13)
    8192 (14)
    16384 (15)
    32768 (16)
    65536 (17)
    131072 (18)
    262144 (19)
    524288 (20)
    1048576(i thiks thats right)
    2097152 (22)
    4194304 (23)
    8388608 (24)
    16777216(i know this is correct)
    33554432 (26)
    67108864 (27)
    134217728 (28)
    268435456(maan i hope thats correct,)
    536870912 (30)
    1073741824 (31)
    2147483647.crap. cant go any higher than
    -2147483647=2147483648 i broke the (32) bit rule!!!

    2,147,483,647 recodnize it?