My problems with engine design.

  • slapdown3
    26th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    so I've made several engines, such as my small example engine and a large THDR compressed engine but i seem to have the same problem with each engine. Its that I can't seem to propel the exhaust from the combustion chamber before the next "batch" of fuel is thrown in or i over heat important metal components causing engine failure with disastrous results including explosions and irreversible damage resulting in a complete retry of the engine design. I'm trying to make a fast small engine whilst also being efficient and i can't seem to do that at the speeds I'm currently moving the exhaust.
    So, I'm trying to find out of there are any better ways without ridiculous amounts of fans ruining the results of the engines natural strength.

    My question is: Does anyone have any tips on engine building?

    Here is my example engine.
  • wrx318
    26th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    sure have a look at these engines i made, on the one cylinder and the 4 cylinder those fan things are supposed to be turbos.

  • Diissaster
    26th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    (Don't bump old topics if they don't need to be.)