A small computer that can: Store memory Have memory written to it Delete memory Open a file Close a file
To open the file you must first write memory and store it on the hard-drive, then press the "open file" button, you should se "HELLO" light up. You can delete the memory, thus making the file unusable until you write more memory to the harddrive.
What? Ram is harddrive and commands now? It's meant to be a one bit hard-drive XD The buttons are meant to emulate a key-board.
Also, if the powder toy's area to work in was bigger, a fll computer may be possible, with an LCD screen, keyboard, different programs (one setting, paint, another setting, wordpad!) , a GOOD harddrive ect.
Then why don't you change it so as we DO get a bigger screen, then optimise the code to keep lag down, then let that bigger version save stuff?
Why didn't anyone think of this? Well perhaps since the code is a piece of crap and you can't change anything major in it without breaking hundreds of copy and pastes.
Where can I find the de-compiled code? Tell me what must be changed ;)
Well, there are binary to C decompilers, but I suspect you mean the source code.
Tell you what must be changed? If it was that easy I would already have done it. Search, there were a topic about that just a few days ago and many came before that.