I don't understand them. The best thing I have made with electronics was a capacitor that changed color based on whether it was on or off. Please help, senior members?
Well, PSCN connects to NSCN, but NSCN does not connect to PSCN. INWR you can spark, but it wont connect to anything but other pixels of INWR. Try fiddling around with different combinations of electronics.
x-bit wires are just smart really compressed wires. (Eg. The 2 bit wire is 1 pixel wide compared to 3 pixels wide if you laid them out side by side)
Here's a basic guide.
Silicon and how it's used LoadSaveBlock(2771); The above example illustrates how silicon can be used to construct diodes, which only allow current to flow in one direction.
Interactions with semi-conductors (NTCT/PTCT) and Silicons - NSCN will always send current to semi-conductors, regardless of temp - PSCN will always receive current from semi-conductors, regardless of temp - NSCN will only receive current from a semi-conductor if the semi-conductor is in it's operating temperature range. - PSCN will only send current to a semi-conductor if the semi-conductor is in it's operating temperature range.
semi-conductors and their operating temperature. Semi-conductors will operate only within a given temperature range. NTCT will only operate when hot (More than 100C) PTCT will only operate when cold (Less than 120C)
This example shows how semi-conductors function. When the diamond gets hot, NTCT will get heated by conduction. When NTCT is above it's operating temperature (100C) it will allow PSCN to send charge to it and NSCN to receive charge from it.
So how do we manipulate the temperature of the semi-conductor? By using normal metal. Metal will heat semi-conductors to 200C when they carry a charge and are within 1 pixel of the semi-conductor.
How this all ties into Logic Gates Everything is done with a few logic gates, to be specific the AND, OR and NOT gates. The function of these gates are as follows. The AND gate requires both inputs to be on. The OR gate will output if either of its inputs are on. The NOT gate will output the opposite of the input. (So if the input is on, output is off. Input is off, output is on)
I'm not going to describe in detail how to build these gates, with this information you should be able to figure it out.