The Psyence Mod
("psyence" pronounced as "science")
Hello TPT community.
This mod is a revisitation of the Realistic Science Mod. I worked on a few versions of its successor in C++, but eventually I decided I missed the old one, so I will not be releasing URSM++ version 4.0.1. Instead, I went back to my old source and fixed many bugs and things that were wrong. For instance, there will be no more black holes created upon nuclear fusion, protons plus electrons now makes hydrogen, and NUKE/CYST has had a huge update. These changes are just a few of what I have been working on recently. There will be many suprises yet to come. I am finishing up on fixing the most obvious bugs for a 5.0.1 release, then I will proceed with periodic updates with the minor bugs. Now, some of you may be wondering why I switched back to the old C source. This is because I like it better and I feel more comfortable programming in that environment. Please do not post on here telling me to update the source and make it open certain saves. I am also well aware that the old version did not work for most people. This issue is being worked on, and I will try my best to fix it, but I still do not know what is going on. This next release, however, should work for most people.
Mod Staff:
Original Mod Creators:
Sept 10, 2013 - *Fixed black holes/stars being created upon many explosions
Sept 10, 2013 - *Fixed CYST+NUKE reaction
Sept 10, 2013 - *Fixed positrons and nucleons not creating electricity on conductors
Sept 11, 2013 - *Fixed protons and electrons not creating hydrogen
Sept 11, 2013 - *Fixed muon catalysed fusion
Sept 12, 2013 - +Added muon, electron, and tau flavoured neutrinos determined by ctype
Sept 12, 2013 - *Made positron electron annihilation produce a photon
Sept 12, 2013 - -Removed nucleus
Sept 12, 2013 - *Rename NCLN to ALPH (alpha particle)
Sept 12, 2013 - *NUKE is now red matter, made by compressing cold antihydrogen
Sept 12, 2013 - *CYST is now blue matter, made by compressing cold hydrogen
Sept 13, 2013 - +Added antihydrogen
Sept 13, 2013 - +Added and tweaked reactions for hydrogen/antihydrogen and red/blue matter.
Sept 13, 2013 - *Photons will now decay into energy if they are not moving fast enough.
Sept 15, 2013 - *Moved to a better compiler that revealed many errors.
Sept 16, 2013 - -Removed photon decay feature, needs more work.
Sept 16, 2013 - *Fixed BMTR+RMTR and PROT crash.
March 20-26,2014 - *Fixed so many bugs, renamed HSO4 (H2SO4) to HSLF then removed it.
March 26, 2012 - +Methane
March 26, 2014 - *Organic chemistry is better now, play around with CRBN, O2, and H2
March 26, 2014 - *Organic gasses burn slowly and explode when burned with oxygen.
Old Versions:
Other Mods
The Extended Mod
Firefreak11's Mod
The Unrealistic Science Mod
The Unrealistic Science Mod Revamped
The Realistic Science Mod
The Realistic Science Mod Revamped
There have been over 25,000 downloads of all the mods in this series since March 2012! Thanks everyone!
Yes, I mean pure energy. As in pressure in TPT's case.
I know the icon issue, I will see what I can do, but I am still not sure why the thing crashes... I will look at it later
It crashes immediately. Since the C++ version worked perfectly, as well as RScience 2.2.1 and earlier, this suggests that there is a serious problem in the code somewhere, or in the compiler.
for (rx>2; rx>3; rx++)
for (ry>2; ry>3; ry++)
I was hoping we could avaoid that this time, I am actuallly searching back in the old threads to what release started crashing it, then I will redo everything I have done since then. I remember how everyone used to be waiting intently for releases, and now the mods' fanbase seems empty.
Thanks, I will look into this right away. Do you know why the icon is missing in my release?
Mod works, thanks to jacob1. However blue matter plus red matter even 1x1 pixels will crash game. I'm really enjoying the mod good work firefreak. Also, insanity? Lol get on skype sometime.