Can you edit an existing element?

  • thomasa
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.


    Is there any way to edit the behaviours of the standard elements in Powder Toy?


    Basically, all I want to do is change the temperature of which DESL burns at...





  • Schneumer
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    i'm pretty sure there is, you can make YOUR OWN just need to know a bunch of complicated stuff. it isn't too hard i think for desl......just copy paste commands from a lua pro or something and VOILA!

  • thomasa
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks for the reply.


    Yeah, I really have no idea what you're talking about. hahaha.


    Is there a guide for this kind of thing anywhere?

  • fireball5000
    11th Oct 2013 Member 3 Permalink

    Yes, it's actually very easy once you know the basics. just open the console and type "tpt.el.[target element].[property]=[number]

  • damionfeller
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    but what are the types of properties you can mess with?
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 11th Oct 2013
  • thomasa
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Yes, it's actually very easy once you know the basics. just open the console and type "tpt.el.[target element].[property]=[number]


    Thanks for that.


    So, I'd be wanting to say something like "tpl.el.desl.flammable=2.5"?

  • fireball5000
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @thomasa (View Post)

     well, DESL is already flammable. so idk if tpt.el would override it. but if you were to do, say, "tpt.el.dmnd.flammable=10", then DMND is no longer indestructable! >:D

  • thomasa
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    All I want to do is make DESL burn hot (Somewhere in the region of 200-300 degrees as opposed to around 35 degrees, which it is currently at)


    Referencing the link that fireball5000 posted, the flammable value affects the burning temperature if it's set quite high. So I'd say that's all I'd have to touch.


    Is there any way to check what the values are currently set at?

    Edited once by thomasa. Last: 11th Oct 2013
  • mniip
    11th Oct 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    @damionfeller (View Post)
    %k: invalid format character
    This post is very on-topic, constructive, and... oh yes, wait a second, PONYOS IS THE BEST OS, and agitative
  • nucular
    11th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    Yes, just enter tpt.el.[element].[property] and press enter.

    Heres a list of the properties:
    name, color, advection, airdrag, airloss, loss, collision, gravity, diffusion, hotair, falldown, flammable, explosive, meltable, hardness menu, enabled, weight, menusection, heat, hconduct, state, properties, description

    For example:
    would output the value
    tpt.desl.flammable = 0
    would make DESL inflammable.