Regarding element additions

  • ROHANman
    30th Jun 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    This is just a question regarding the current dev team’s stance on the addition of new elements, and mechanics. Are there plans on implementing elements from community sources as was done in the past, or has all further implementation into the stock TPT ceased? I'm only asking this because it's been a long time since I've seen the "update is available" pop up, and I've been wondering if the game is Finished - whatever that means. 

  • jacob1
    30th Jun 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    I've never liked adding new elements, so I have no plans to add any more, except for CRMC if I ever get back into tpt development :P.

    tpt development is very slow because all the devs stopped developing it, although we all are still around. I might try and get some kind of unofficially updating version working soon. And once everything is ready i'll ask Simon to release an update.

    There is an unofficial beta floating around somewhere. It has many bug fixes and a few new things, no new elements though.
  • boxmein
    1st Jul 2015 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @ROHANman (View Post)
    There's been development - even a few commits just today. However, guess which Simon-named character hasn't yet pressed the "Do an update" button :P

    Also, for what it's worth the game is pretty complete - however, we thought that before VIBR / GRVT were added too. There's certainly a few niches left undiscovered, so go out there and discover them!
    Edited once by boxmein. Last: 1st Jul 2015
  • Catelite
    1st Jul 2015 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    imho, the game nearly -is- finished, but there is always a cooler CA to implement in Powder Toy. I just haven't played around in any old ones lately to have had any neat ideas besides component-mixing oils and unusual component plants.

    There's a ton of neat things that could exist, but at the moment we have literally every useful iteration of every element that already exists in-game, really. We need something that isn't some silly movement mechanic, something that isn't just 'more powerful' version of something already-existing.

    Do we have element-copying gas? Nope.

    Do we have screen-clearing waves? Nope.

    Do we have red and blue crystals that shimmer and grow/shrink respectively in contact with hot and cold, all the while acting as energy sponges for both?

    You get the idea :o So much things.
  • cameron908
    1st Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    is there a crowd developed version of tpt? if devs are dead on the development side of things then i really need to find my fix of updates somewhere else :/ 

  • jacksonmj
    1st Jul 2015 Developer 0 Permalink

    @cameron908 (View Post)

    It's open source, anyone can develop it.


    Also, I'm rewriting TPT (very slowly) instead of working on the official version, and have no immediate plans to add new elements either.

  • RCAProduction
    30th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I have a neat element I might consider trying to get into the official. It's fairly unique, and mostly complete... But I'm not sure how ya'll would take to it xP