I'm rather new to TPT and the destructive capability of the kinds of weapons you can make in this sandbox is rather fascinating to me, but I don't quite understand how they work or how to make one. Could someone please explain to me how they work and how to make a basic laser so I can try to expand upon that and attempt to create my own "unique" weaponary.
Thanks, this was really helpful. It's actually really simple now that I see it all broken down, thanks for the help!
Oops, the first gif isn't complete for some reason, here is an updated one http://imgur.com/t10idVt.gif
gobble gobble
gobble gobble
gobble gobble
gobble gobble
gobble gobble gobble
I finally made the laser! It's pretty basic as of now, but I am experimenting and trying to think of new ways to make it more effective. https://powdertoy.co.uk/Browse/View.html?ID=2064364 Any suggestions or tips you can give me will be greatly appreciated!
i like to make laser rangefinder with bray but it dosn't say range T_T