RAD - MOD V1.2B - Radioactive Elements.

  • Kev_AK
    8th Jul 2017 Member 5 Permalink

    Hello Again. This is my other script that have the next features:


    -Add new 19 radioactive elements.






    BRYL - Beryllium - Releases air pressure when its sparked.

    PO84 - Polonium - Emits NEUT when is next to BRYL and is sparked.

    LA139 - Lanthanum 139 - Absorbs HYGN and heats up itself with the time.





    HE-4 - Helium 4 - Emits neutrons.

    XE, AR - Inert Gasses.

    RN - Radón - Radioactive Gas.

    F-18 - Fluor 18 - Emits radiation.





    ZLOY - Zircaloy 4 - Resists heat and pressure, absorbs neutrons.




    MOX - Mixed Oxides Fuel - Fisible.

    AM - Americium - Emits huge amounts of radiation.

    TH - Thorium - Fisible.

    CS137 - Caesium 137 - Descomposes into other elements.

    RA - Radium - Descomposes into other elements.

    UO2 - Uranium Oxide - Fisible.

    U235 - Uranium 238 - Fisible

    CMET - Ceramic - Metallic Uranium Oxide Cell - Fisible






    SLIT - Starlite - A high performance heat aislant.


    I hope that you have fun and like my work. I'm a begginer and really was hard for me coding this.

    Thank you. Have a nice day.


    Download it from Pastebin! - V1.2.1B



    Also you can download it from the Script Server! - V1.2B




    V 1.2b - Public Release.
    V 1.2.1b - Erase AR, NE and XE because are useless. Soon these elements are going to be reemplazed by others. [By Now Rad-Mod isn't compatible with CHEM - MOD V1.2B (My other mod that you can download here: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=21831 )]
    Edited once by Kev_AK. Last: 8th Jul 2017
  • docRoboRobert
    9th Jul 2017 Member 2 Permalink

    Good work! It's going to be great mod/script.

  • Kev_AK
    9th Jul 2017 Member 1 Permalink
  • _Theo
    18th Jul 2017 Member 2 Permalink

    Havent got this yet but I do love me some radioactive materials!

  • docRoboRobert
    18th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey, why there's Uranium 238 called U235?

  • _Theo
    18th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Hmm, your coding is a little bit mixed though.

  • Kev_AK
    18th Jul 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    @docRoboRobert (View Post)


    I've planned to change the URAN name to U238 to be more specific.

    But i think i've forgot done it.


    I'll do that for the next update. Thank you for remember me that. 

  • jacob2
    18th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink
    I notice the pastebin version says it is behind the script server version. You should submit an update to the script server one :p
  • Kev_AK
    18th Jul 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    @TuDoR2007 (View Post)

     Thank you for comment.


    I'm really interested to improve my coding and all infomation that could help me to get better in that is welcome.
    Can you please tell me how it should be ? I'll thank you.  :)




    @jacob2 (View Post)

    Thank you for comment.

    Now the update has been submited. :)

    Edited 3 times by Kev_AK. Last: 19th Jul 2017
  • suibian
    21st Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink


    Lanthanum-139 is a stable isotope.


    Helium-4 is also stable isotope. ("RAD - MOD V1.2B" isn't realistic)

    Edited once by suibian. Last: 21st Aug 2017