This tool allow simply layer multiply particles by moving them on top of another.
How to use new version:
Donwload script and write Layer()
Interface description:
R - Rotate (Higher quality of rotation when safe mode is disabled)
S - Resize (Only possible with safe mode disabled)
Safe mode - Dont break particle order.
Layer - When checked elements will be layerd otherwise just replaced like when placing stamp.
User right mouse button to undo (work with rotation, resizing or moving) and press left mouse button to apply.
Old usage:
0)Install script using script manager
1)Type "Layer()" in the TPT console
2)Press "Select" button
3)Select particles
4)Drag selection on the another particles
5)Press RBM to abort or LBM to save
Pastebin (New version)
Pastebin (Old version)
Demo gif:
Right after "Donwload:" line
If you have scipt manager you can find it in the online tab and download it