Auto Junk Saves Sweeper

  • baizuo
    15th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    In case somebody need this.

    When you delete a simulation in game, it disappeared. But the .stm files are still there. They are small, but I hate that my save directory filled with hundreds of useless files. So I made this. I know it's useless for most of you, but, just in case someone need this.

    *******************copy all the codes below******************

    @echo off&setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    md ToDelete
    echo Auto Junk Saves Sweeper
    echo Copyright (c) 2010 by Byzod
    echo ============================================
    echo All the valid saves will remain here
    echo Invalid saves are moving to the ToDelete folder
    for %%i in (*.stm) do (
    set t=%%i
    set t=!t:.stm=!
    findstr /n !t! stamps.def >nul &&echo !t!.stm is valid.||move !t!.stm ToDelete\

    echo ============================================
    echo Operation is over

    *******************copy all the codes above******************

    1.Copy the codes, create a text file, paste the codes in, save it as 'all file' with the name 'AJSS.bat'
    2.Put it in your 'stamps' directory (If you need this, you should know where to find, if you don't, sorry for wasting your time but you can leave the post now)
    3.Run it. You may need to press key during the running (any key)

    What it does
    1.Keep all the saves that can be seen in game what they were.
    2.Move all the rest useless saves in to one directory, deal it as your wish
  • PowerShroomsAttack
    15th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    LOL thx i dunno if ill use it though