Hello! I have been archiving some Powder Toy Saves and I have been wondering if there is a program to decompress (or documentation in general) of the .CPS format. The reason I want them decompressed is that I wish to store them in a compressed archive and I have reason to believe that compression formats will compress better if they are uncompressed as it can compare a large number of files to one another thus saving tons of data. if anyone has any hints on the sections of code which decompress and compress a save I would be greatful.
I am a noob with C, it looks like you used the command line to decompress the file? I have bunzip2 installed, could you guide me on what you did to uncompress the .CPS as bunzip2 says that its not a bzip2 file (which makes sense as you mentioned a header). TLDR: What commands did you use to uncompress .cps in the command line? Im sorry if this question sounds stupid I honestly am a noob at C
I am blind, sorry XD, let me try now, Thank you! I'm going to write a python script to be able to uncompress and then compress adding back the header