I had just installed powder toy again after a few years and I noticed the next day that powder.exe had disappeared from my windows quick search. I thought nothing about it so I reinstalled the exe again. Once I had opened it I noticed that I have to click over 6 times to switch my elements or view maps. I reinstalled the app again and I think it's made it worse. The game is really really really fun but it's this bug really ruins the fun for me. Any help?
I have checked to see if the window was unfocused by clicking off of TPT and back on, and it was indeed focused. I am on Windows 10 Home.
Edit: I noticed that it seems like the mouse has a delay in TPT, it registers the click but only confirms my selection a few seconds after, so maybe the multi-click bug is a mouse delay?
Edit again: The keystroke is only delayed when I left click. It seems to work perfectly fine once my mouse is moving. The right click secondary option works perfectly fine too: I will provide proof through a website called "Gyazo" if you do not feel safe clicking this link that is okay, I will gladly remove it; https://gyazo.com/391324259a3ef436419ff21c4c78d703
Yeah probs just something interfering with it, thank you for helping though!
Edit: Just opened TPT up and wouldn't you know it; it's fixed!