2nd Generation Goo animations

  • Maticzpl
    20th Jul 2021 Member 4 Permalink



    How does it work?
    I place a bunch of animation frames in one place, together they create a stack of frame
    When life of one frame depletes another frame is exposed

    The Tool
    I scripted a tool to help with making those animations
    https://starcatcher.us/scripts/main.lua?get=205 (will be out when approved by mods)
    It puts the goo in a stack for you and at the end reverses its order (so the animation plays forwards)
    It also reduces particle count at the end.


    How to use the tool?
    1. Download the script and enable it in the LUA script manager (The new update isnt in the script manager yet, use this link instead) (https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=19400)
    2. Create a new empty save
    3. Press CTRL + T to begin animating
    4. Specify the resolution and frame interval of your animation
    5. Draw the first frame with deco
    6. Press the , key to start drawing the next frame (use . to copy the current frame)
    7. After you draw all the frames you want, press CTRL + T again to finish the animation
    8. The end result is automatically saved as stamp. Unpause the game to play the animation


    Some of its limitations are the particle limit and the maximum size of a save in tpt.
    The max frame count considers only the worst case scenario but could be higher depending on how much pixels change in between the frames

    Is it CGI?
    The tool just helps with stacking the frames but you draw the frames by hand with deco.
    So it's not.
    I also asked a TPT moderator

    If you have any problems or questions ask here

    Save showcasing this:

    Edited 8 times by Maticzpl. Last: 8th Feb 2022
  • JozeffTech
    20th Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    This is the thing I waited for months. +1. 

  • TPTSortaGuy
    21st Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    OMG this is AWESOME!!!

    I can't wait for it to come out!.

    Also, could you add a direct download link? I did that to my mod thread, Powder Power.

    I will + you.

  • Maticzpl
    22nd Jul 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    @TPTSortaGuy (View Post)

    Ok here is a temporary pastebin cause its not on the script server yet 


    It's on the script server now

    Edited once by Maticzpl. Last: 22nd Jul 2021
  • TPTSortaGuy
    22nd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink


  • EnderiteFox
    23rd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    That's cool but the last thing that don't work is that when I press , it skips a frame, so I have a frame of my animation, a frame with no deco and then a frame back with deco

  • Maticzpl
    23rd Jul 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    @Endersteve_gamer (View Post)

     not sure if i understand you
    But you should press , or . after you completed the current frame and want to draw the next one

  • EnderiteFox
    24th Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Maticzpl (View Post)

     When I press , it says Frame 2 and Frame 3 at the same time. It acts like I press , two times, but I press it only one time. The frame 2 is skipped. And that's the same thing every time I press ,

    Edited once by Endersteve_gamer. Last: 24th Jul 2021
  • Maticzpl
    24th Jul 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    @Endersteve_gamer (View Post)

     First of all make sure in the script manager that you arent running the same script twice. If you have 2 copies of it disable one. If that doesnt help then try typing in the console GooAnim.nextFrame() and see if it still happens

    Edited once by Maticzpl. Last: 24th Jul 2021
  • EnderiteFox
    24th Jul 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    @Maticzpl (View Post)

     Ok I found out that the script was installed twice, thx for help, it works fine now