Getting a fullscreen with sharp graphics

  • see_version
    9th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    In this post, I will show you how you can get a fullscreen window while also having sharp and nice pixels, just follow the steps below:


    1. Enable fullscreen (skip if already on fullscreen)

    2. Enable "Change Resolution"

    3. Disable "Change Resolution"


    And boom! Now you have a fullscreen window with sharp graphics.

  • jacob1
    10th May 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    Results may vary, for me this doesn't do anything, and fullscreen already produces sharp, crisp pixels. The option "Force Integer Scaling" should work most of the time.

    Good you found a solution that works on your computer, though.
  • see_version
    10th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    integer scaling doesnt really take up all of the screen height though, so the method in the post works for me, maybe its because i set my desktop scaling to a custom percentage.

  • blujaybay
    2nd Jun 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    @see_version (View Post)

     How does one enable and disable "Change Resolution"? Newbie, just downloaded and it's almost unplayable with everything so tiny.