I'm using territect to make a mountains biome preset, but the mountains have to be the sterotypical triangle-shaped pointy mountains. I've been told that making really tall veins might give me triangle shapes but how high do the veins have to be?
P.S. I didn't know where else to publish this thread, so if it belongs in a different category, please put it there.
can you please send an ID with preset? i can try fixing it
Wait, do you want them to look like stereotypical triangles or are you trying to avoid that? I'm assuming you want stereotypical triangles so here's some tips:
- A vein size of around 300 tall and 200 wide should probably get you a pretty good triangular mountain shape. Don't use a very high vein count and make sure that the veins are made of a solid material.
- If you want to add patterns or layers to the mountain, like an ice cap, you can surround the mountains created through the last step in a solid layer of something like DMND, then remove the original solid and draw layers inside it. Here's a small preset demonstrating this:
{"name":"Example Mountain", "data":"{\"versionMinor\":1, \"versionMajor\":1, \"passes\":[{\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"type\":190, \"variation\":0, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":30}, {\"minY\":0, \"veinCount\":4, \"maxY\":15, \"type\":190, \"mode\":3, \"height\":300, \"width\":200}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"type\":28, \"variation\":0, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":200}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":190, \"mode\":4, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}, {\"type\":44, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":67, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":190, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":190, \"inExisting\":false, \"type\":67, \"percent\":50, \"mode\":4, \"inLayer\":true}, {\"type\":190, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":179, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":30}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"mode\":4, \"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":28, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}], \"settleTime\":0}]}"}
circles/ellipses when
squares/rectangles too that literally would do some good looking stuff
Perhaps in the next Territect update, which is currently not planned. I have a lot on my plate right now but I'd love to keep working on this script eventually.
Wait, do you want them to look like stereotypical triangles or are you trying to avoid that? I'm assuming you want stereotypical triangles so here's some tips:
- A vein size of around 300 tall and 200 wide should probably get you a pretty good triangular mountain shape. Don't use a very high vein count and make sure that the veins are made of a solid material.
- If you want to add patterns or layers to the mountain, like an ice cap, you can surround the mountains created through the last step in a solid layer of something like DMND, then remove the original solid and draw layers inside it. Here's a small preset demonstrating this:
{"name":"Example Mountain", "data":"{\"versionMinor\":1, \"versionMajor\":1, \"passes\":[{\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"type\":190, \"variation\":0, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":30}, {\"minY\":0, \"veinCount\":4, \"maxY\":15, \"type\":190, \"mode\":3, \"height\":300, \"width\":200}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"type\":28, \"variation\":0, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":200}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":190, \"mode\":4, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}, {\"type\":44, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":67, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":190, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":190, \"inExisting\":false, \"type\":67, \"percent\":50, \"mode\":4, \"inLayer\":true}, {\"type\":190, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":179, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":30}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"mode\":4, \"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":28, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}], \"settleTime\":0}]}"}
I want them to look like sterotypical triangles; Your idea for traingles worked. I'm creating a flat ICE field with ROCK mountains on it. The only thing I need to do now is somehow repalce the peaks (and only the peaks) of the mountains with ICE so that the mountains have icy peaks. But I'm no sure how. Also I'm a noob at coding, so I don't understand the preset listed above.
Oh, just highlight all the text inside (triple-clicking should work), then copy it, then open Territect, click on "im/exp", and click "paste". The preset will be added to whatever folder you choose. The things I do in that preset might help you figure out how to make your mountain caps.
I've completed my preset using a series of modifications to the above preset; I promise to give credit. I'm ready to share it, but I can only save locally. I've seen global saves made with Territect, so how do I publish it?
Here it is if you want to take a look at it:
{"name":"Frozen Mountains", "data":"{\"versionMinor\":1, \"versionMajor\":1, \"passes\":[{\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"type\":190, \"variation\":0, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":30}, {\"minY\":0, \"veinCount\":11, \"maxY\":15, \"type\":190, \"mode\":3, \"height\":300, \"width\":200}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"type\":28, \"variation\":0, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":400}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":190, \"mode\":4, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}, {\"type\":44, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":67, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":190, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":190, \"inExisting\":false, \"type\":67, \"percent\":50, \"mode\":4, \"inLayer\":true}, {\"type\":190, \"variation\":2, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":35}, {\"type\":179, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":30}], \"settleTime\":0}, {\"settleTime\":300, \"bottom\":4, \"addGravityToSolids\":true, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":28, \"mode\":4, \"type\":51, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}]}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":51, \"mode\":4, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"inLayer\":false}, {\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":37, \"inLayer\":false, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"mode\":4, \"inExisting\":true}, {\"type\":97, \"variation\":5, \"mode\":1, \"thickness\":400}], \"settleTime\":60}, {\"bottom\":4, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":97, \"inLayer\":false, \"type\":0, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"mode\":4}, {\"preserveProps\":true, \"oldType\":44, \"inLayer\":false, \"type\":16, \"percent\":100, \"inExisting\":true, \"mode\":4}], \"settleTime\":300}, {\"bottom\":40, \"layers\":[{\"preserveProps\":true, \"oldType\":13, \"inExisting\":true, \"type\":16, \"percent\":100, \"mode\":4, \"inLayer\":false}, {\"preserveProps\":false, \"oldType\":179, \"inExisting\":true, \"type\":13, \"percent\":100, \"mode\":4, \"inLayer\":false}], \"settleTime\":0}]}"}
I don't know how to put it in that scrollable window thing above.
You can publish it by clicking on "im/exp" and then clicking "embed" with the preset you want to publish selected. I recommend placing the embed on the finished terrain, then you can publish it (which is allowed within the rules).
Ok, turns out I just wasn't signed in; my mistake. Anyways, I published the save; here it is: