Few ideas.

  • z4dg9ssw135
    8th Oct 2023 Member 1 Permalink


    --Respond button, adds @%username% in the beginning of your message.

    --Notification when someone responds to you in comments, pops up as a yellow message (as if you had a message or there is an update). When you click on it, it pops up a window with few buttons with comment previews leading to the comments where you was mentioned.

    --In-game message sending, instead of opening browser, pressing conversations, making a new convo and inputting nickname manually and doing this horrible stuff to write a single message, you just open your profile in TPT, press "Conversations" and write a message or open other user's bio and press "Write a message" button. This will also require making the "you have a new message" pop up button to open in-game conversations instead of opening browser.


    Actually suggestions for game

    --Custom render option. You select required element property and it will be shown in gradient you choose (black-white, full spectrum(similar to heat display) and "gradient" similar to heat gradient display (and maybe user-made gradient between 2 colours)). There should be also be an option to select range between minimal and maximal element property amounts (as if i needed to see range between 1-100 of required property in somewhat more clearly distinguishable colours).

    --Amount of people who put your saves in favs showed in your bio (actually under "highest score" thing). Pretty much useless function but would be interesting to see such thing.


    I could write more, but im lazy