TPT Fps drop when changing displays

  • A_Player
    30th May Member 1 Permalink

    My tpt was fine before the update came out, but it started lagging after that, even tough the update was still not on my version, it was the 97.0 version. I tried recompiling it now, because it should just be an old version bug (sort of), but it didn't solve the problem, it still drops to 15 fps as soon as i change my view from Nothing display or Persistent display to any other display. Sometimes, the Blob display also doesn't lag.

    I have about 3 modded elements, but they probably aren't the thing causing this delay. It is strange that it's dropping the fps without even updating or changing the code of the game, and it didn't do it before, so my CPU should handle it normally.


    Any suggestions to what it could be, like a piece of code in my elements that just aren't optimized in the new elements code style?

    Edited 2 times by A_Player. Last: 30th May
  • Simon
    1st June Administrator 0 Permalink

    When you say 3 modded elements, are you modifying the source and rebuilding, or are these Lua elements? Either way, it would help if you posted a link to your source code


  • A_Player
    17th June Member 0 Permalink

    Yes, im using the custom-compiled version of TPT, the mods are on the elements folder. If you want, i can post a code of a custom element that i've made

  • jacob1
    17th June Developer 1 Permalink
    Is your build optimized? As in, when you created your build site and compiled it, you have to tell it to make a release build or an optimized build.

    See this section on the wiki:

    Most likely it's as simple as that. It should get you performance closer to the real version.
  • A_Player
    18th June Member 0 Permalink

    I followed the step-by-step tutorial, and it is lagging WAY less now. Thanks!