Screen Burn Steam Deck

  • Sebbykitten
    12th July Member 0 Permalink

    So, small problem. I was messing around with the Game of Life for around 5 minutes on steam deck desktop mode and I closed the game to start a new sim. when i closed it, turns out the green was burned in! i panicked and restarted, thinking it was a gpu issue. nope, it stayed there. overtime it faded, but it gave me quite the scare. just letting everybody know.


    EDIT: oh sorry i didn't mean to put this on the feedback but it doesn't matter since it is a recommendation to change GoL's color.

    Edited 2 times by Sebbykitten. Last: 12th July
  • jacob1
    13th July Developer 0 Permalink
    Is this an OLED Steam Deck or an LCD one?

    But anyway ... I sort of doubt this. Burn-in takes an incredibly long time to activate. The majority of games out there will have UI elements that stay on the screen in one spot the whole time, and even that usually doesn't activate burn-in. TPT has its own UI elements as well.

    If it happens again, can you take a picture and send it?
  • Sebbykitten
    13th July Member 0 Permalink

    lcd, yes. and there was tiny squares from the GoL pixels in there spots. i am telling the truth, it restarted with it still there and my friend with more expirence in the screens area said that it can and will happen that way. they got burned in somehow. and it's not my eyes as my room wasn't dark. I currently cannot reproduce as i don't have a cam and don't want it to happen again as my deck is my main device.


    I will do it at some point tho. it just almost scared the life out of me, srry. it was prob from the Very viabrent (spelling :( ) green, as no other game of mine has that color.

  • jacob1
    13th July Developer 0 Permalink
    It's very unlikely to damage your screen, even if it sticks around for a bit. Glitches happen, I used to be afraid they'd cause damage but they are almost always harmless. Real screen burn-in requires the same image to be displayed for days / weeks.

    There's also a possibility it's already broken. Without a picture it's hard for me to say.
  • Jerehmia
    13th July Member 1 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     This isn't burn-in but LCD image persistence and can happen within 10 minutes. It's usually invisible and fixes itself within a few hours if you power down the display. It only results in permanent burn-in if you keep displaying the same static image for hours (IE task bars and desktop wallpapers). I guess it's extra noticable in this case because it's pure green on black.

    Edited once by Jerehmia. Last: 13th July