Missing Stamps

  • Greiscale
    7th September Member 0 Permalink

    Opened powder toy to see over 150 stamps (2+ years) missing. I have not set up backups. Is there ANY possible way to get them back, version being used is Cracker1000 mod. Also, they exist in my stamps file but not my game.

    Edited once by Greiscale. Last: 7th September
  • jacob1
    7th September Developer 0 Permalink
    You can press the Rescan button to get them back. New stamps get put at the end of the list, instead of at the front. So maybe check the last page and see if your stamps went there.
  • Greiscale
    7th September Member 0 Permalink

    Thank you it worked! Is there a way to send them back or do I just use them all again?

    Edited once by Greiscale. Last: 7th September
  • jacob1
    8th September Developer 0 Permalink
    Yep you'll have to click on all of them all over again to push them back to the front.

    You could also try using "Open Data Folder" in settings, then deleting both stamps/stamps.json and stamps/stamps.def . Then reopen TPT and click "Rescan". By doing that, you'll delete the stamps list and force it to regenerate from scratch, so the newer stamps will be up front automatically.
  • Greiscale
    10th September Member 0 Permalink

    Ah, thank you