Airpods Mod

  • Nunnhem
    29th Nov 2024 Member 1 Permalink

    chad stkm

    Adds element AIRP

    Source :

    If there is a better way to publish mods like this let me know

    Edited 3 times by Nunnhem. Last: 29th Nov 2024
  • OSMA
    29th Nov 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    use a link to download them

  • LBPHacker
    29th Nov 2024 Developer 0 Permalink
    This is the correct way to publish mods; you could maybe enable github actions on your repo and do a proper release as explained in the mod service thread (see next link) and point people to the releases page on github, and indeed, provide updates through jacob's service.

    An element like this is generally a better fit for a script that you then publish on the script manager, but I see that it relies on being able to change stickman behaviour that isn't possible to do from Lua :| Edit: though it may be doable.
    Edited 2 times by LBPHacker. Last: 29th Nov 2024
  • Nunnhem
    29th Nov 2024 Member 0 Permalink

    @LBPHacker (View Post)

     How would I do that with lua? Would I, say, have lua create a wrapper around the STKM Update func? I'd be willing to do some reading up on that if you give me a starting point.

  • LBPHacker
    29th Nov 2024 Developer 0 Permalink
    Create/ChangeType wrappers are a bit finicky, they don't scale multiple users (where airpod code would be one user), but I think it'd be enough to have AIRP check for nearby stickmen and choose one to stick to whenever possible, and possibly disengage when the stickman does something that might cause airpods to disengage, e.g. when it dies. Until that time, it'd carry around the stickman's id. You'd have to give up on controlling their legs but you could still offset their velocities.