GoL Space Race Competition

  • Xenocide
    19th Jan 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Out of boredom I tried a few things with GoL gliders and ships, and found some interesting. So I issue you a challenge.

    Using which ever ruleset I issue you, make the fastest or slowest spaceship you can.
    You will be given either GoL, HLIF, 2x2, DANI, AMOE, MOVE, PGOL, DMOE, 34, SEED or MYST.
    All these rulesets are capable of forming gliders, I've cheked it myself. So no moaning.

    The minimum size is 12x8. (upped from 8x8 to give a bit more challenge)


    Puffers will be disqualified.

    All parts must interact with each other, so no putting 2 gliders together and calling it a ship (dikzak) :P

    All spaceships must move left to right.

    I will race all entries on 30-Jan-11. If you win you get bragging rights :P


    GoL -
    HLIF -
    2x2 -
    DANI -
    AMOE -
    MOVE - @Plead-for-destruction
    PGOL -
    DMOE -
    34 - @hugoRawr
    SEED -
    MYST - @FeenecksChompski
  • hugoRawr
    19th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I wanna join! Is it okay if I got my ship off of the GoL wiki?
    I'm on my iOS so I'll post it later
  • Xenocide
    19th Jan 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Don't copy :P

    You drew 34, good luck :P
  • plead-for-destruction
    19th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    im in but ima check the wiki im new to gliders
  • Pilihp64
    19th Jan 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    a better challenge would be the SLOWEST ship you can make with each rule, as most of the rules have a speed limit of one pixel over two frames, and SEED which goes at 1 pixel per frame.
  • Xenocide
    19th Jan 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Do both, why not :D

    you got MOVE
  • hugoRawr
    19th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I don't think people can make a GoL ship, most of them are already discovered, and if you submit them, it is copying

    this 34 thing is hard to keep from eating everything... unless, muahahahahaha! Can i eat the other contestants?

    If not then here's my unique and predictable entry:
    Which ship do I use?

    I also threw in my favorite GoL ship, it discovered in 2009, it is slow compared to the hugo34 Ship
  • Xenocide
    19th Jan 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    obviously its going to be hard to come up with something original, but I know there's a lot more than the ones on the wiki... you can eat what you want with it :P

    Remember the minimum size...
  • hugoRawr
    19th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Okay... so if it stretches to the right, then its okay, or does it have to leave its original position?
  • plead-for-destruction
    19th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    heres mine it looks epic and it has a trick up its sleve

Locked by antb: It finished an age ago and there wasn't enough interest.