In the tags set there is a tag saying: I don't know how to use... So i have made this thread for you to learn how to use it if you don't already.
Steps:(Use spark to select) 1. Select the amount of lives you want, out of 1, 3, 5, or unlimited. you can select this after you have started playing, and it will remember how many times you have died. 2. Select if you want Stamina or not. 3. Select Find. Find will find you an animal/nut. 4. Select Attack or Leave it. Attack will attack the animal or nut(with nut you can eat it without attacking if you want. And Leave it will run from the animal. 5. If you are successful then you can eat it, or Leave it. 6. Select Reset if you lose all of your lives. 7. If you would like to start again, simply press the 'Reload The Simulation' Button on the bottom left hand corner.
Progress There are 4 progress determiners.(In order down) 1.LVL. Level: goes up from every time you get 10xp 2.XP. Experience: goes up everytime you successfully kill something. 3.HP. Health: goes up from eating something delicious or goes down from poison. 4.STM. Stamina: Goes down from attacking, and up once you get to 0 and you wait a few seconds. You need it to attack.