I have seen lots of people using my creations idea (or pieces of my creations) for their creations and not giving proper credit to the author (Me :)), so I made this topic to explain what I mean by "giving credit properly". When I say to give credit if you use my creation's idea or pieces of my creation in yours, I am NOT asking you to vote it up, I am asking you put a sign in your creation sayin' "Main idea by (author)" or "Thanks to (author) for (piece)" or just "Thanks to (author)". Now, you guys & gals, should have understood what I mean by "giving credit".
Maybe we could make an idea search and application system(both to apply for a 'patent' and to request permission for use.) We could have three types of ideas: 1) "Use with credit and approval", which requires the user to apply for permission to use the idea, and include a patent notification in their creation. 2) "Use with credit", which only requires that the person give credit for the idea, and no application is necessary. 3) "Free use", which may be used regardless of whether credit is given or not. In all of the above cases users violating the terms or claiming ownership of an idea that wasn't theres in a save they made will be banned and/or have the saved removed.
But, the only problem there is that mods would need to mannualy search every save for patent breaking, cos a automated system would probably need more lines of code than TPT has twice over, + lots of headaches. Also the program would probaly need a infinate memory storage, or at least very big. And we would probably require a new file extension, .PTPF Powder Toy Paitent File! So probably not very likely.
Also the program would probaly need a infinate memory storage, or at least very big.
No more RAM than a normal computer. It will probably take up 30 mb at the most (if it uses text and is efficient). Storing text files takes so little memory, especially if they are just lists of names or file descriptions.
@Racer-Delux Yes, only one byte per ASCII char, but it will lag like hell :) and will require too much coding.
My idea to solve the stealin' problem is like this:
#1.Each save has an header that says (AUTHOR)@MMDDYYYY (Author for the upload original author, and date)
#2.When you copy someone's save, an script at the server checks each byte of the save. If the thing that you're saving is >20 bytes different from the original, you could save it as public and it changes the header too. If the thing that you're saving is <20 bytes different from the original, you only could save it as private, and the header will still the same.<br />
Do not quite agree with the last part. Sometimes a save is glitchy, and often the fix is to change around 2 or 3 pixels of elements. Would be no fun if I can't get the save to update to a working version.