After a long time of trial and error, we (TheRazorsEdge & andrewdavidloftus) have made the most original power plant ever... It is original because it uses FIRW & FWRK. It is also the first to have a cooling tower with DEUT instead of water. Here they are:
The first one, the one using FWRK, uses neutrons to blast the FWRK until it activates, soaring up and heating 1 of the 3 diamond rods, which all connect to a heating cable. This heating cable heats up the DEUT in the cooling tower, causing it to expand and fill the red wall, creating electricity. The second one, the one using FIRW, is the same, but has FIRW in place of FWRK and fire in place of neutrons.
We both put a lot of time and effort into these, so we hope you guys like them!