After a very very long time, we (T.R.E. & A.D.L.) have made our best power plant yet! It is an original idea, using thermite. It has an output of 8000, but the uranium booster makes it 9725! The best part is... It has a deluxe display board showing all of the current cycles & stats of the reactor core and cooling towers. Here it is:
Here is the explanation of the two huge deluxe display boards:
-Reactor Core Cycle: Shows the cycle of the reactor start to finish, if you press OFF during the cycle, it will finish the cycle and then turn off Status: The 3 columns of 4 LCRY squares represent each of the 3 chambers in the core - the rows represent if the chamber is 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% full
-Cooling Towers Cycle: Shows if the cooling towers are pre-heating or directly heating the water - the water is heated only when the pre-heat reaches 2200+ degrees Status: The 3 RGB blocks represent the temperatures of the large uranium boosted rod at the base, and the basins of water in each tower - (from coldest to hottest) blue, green, yellow, red, magenta
If you find any glitches or problems with it, please tell us on this thread. Due to the lag, it takes about 5 min to produce electricity (8 min for highest temp) when it is around 14 fps...
We hope you guys like this! We spent a ton of time making the display and details!
*ADDITION* Here is a simplified version with no deluxe display or advanced sensors:
@TheRazorsEdge(View Post) Yes please report ANY glitches... This save uses almost EVERY type of technology (thus the name "advanced) in TPT: so it is vulnerable to breaking from updates...