The Stickman game companysince March 2011, ----------------------------------BY: theKJM----------------------- the rank is how good these members are contributing to the company score.
Company score: 0,000,000,043,010
Members -theJKM -------------rank 9695--------------[Tile and Land creator, founder] -Stickman101---- -rank 0304 --------------[boobytrap and prefomance organizer, tester] -Petrol----------------rank 0001--------------[boss of employees {ceo}] -Azza2---------------rank 0000------------- [employee] - {empty} - {empty} - {empty} - {empty} - {empty} - {empty} - {empty} - {empty}
1. to organizers: make courses as directed, post what i say to post. when you do you will add score to company.
2. to bosses and CEO's your bosses of employees which contribute to the company Do as directed. report emplayees not listening to you.
3. To employees, do well and grow in rank, your percentages will make you get highter ranks
4. No vote farming even though my greatest save was vote farming. It may bring in 83 votes but you are very fround down upon. you are kicked if you do use vote farming.
5. no spam. unless its usefull and its constructive Levels: