Killowatt's Lazer Series

  • killowatt
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hello, I have finally signed in to the forums, and some of you may be familiar with my ''Lazer Series''
    Currently, the latest version is V3. I have created this topic since sometimes I get criticism on my creations, so I decided to accept criticism here. I am fine with any questions, problems, etc. that you have. Here is some info on my creations.

    Click on the images to make them larger.

    Lazer V1 - First version created
    Lazer V1
    Description - I found that creating Photon Lazers was something not really created alot. So I decided to create one, which has brought me here. It is a little crappy, yes but the better versions should address your problems.

    Lazer V2 - Nothing really improved, except lazer fire.
    Lazer V2
    This version was created when I wanted to fix the charging part, which means if you tried to shoot for too long it would stop firing, making the user have to wait.

    Lazer V3 - Latest as of now
    Lazer V3
    Not the best, but definitely much larger. This version was meant to be a little more effect-ish, nothing really supposed to be added but a bigger barrel. I really want criticism from this version due to the fact it is the latest and I need to improve according to some comments.

    I hope you like my creations, and I am open to suggestions on what to create.
    Also, I am wondering why my V1 is still on the front page even though it is outdated
    Thank you for reading .
  • Felix
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Heat up the photons so you can melt things.
  • bchandark
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    It's a beam of photons. I could create the same beam with 20 px of clone, 20 px of photons, and walls on three sides. The water tubes and the fire doesn't add to the beam, it's just for show.

    Some laser's I've seen cool the photons rapidly so they can freeze water. Some heat them up to boil water in an instant. I don't really understand the purpose of yours though.
  • killowatt
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I understand some of your complaints...
    I guess I should really stop creating Lazers, and begin somewhere else.
    What should I create, then?
  • Rob215
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I can't find the creations.
  • lolzy
    20th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Think of something original. Try something no-one else has made (properly?) and make it really complicated.
  • killowatt
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok, I will try my best
  • Catelite
    20th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    My only problem with your lasers is simple.

    You saved them after the photons were moving through the clone particles, and as a result most of the clone particles are entirely missing.

    ..If you just make a regular pattern of clone particles that's small and expose them to Photons, and then erase the photons and save them... Then you can put them into the laser when the game is saved without destroying them.

    As it is, your lasers as stamps only produce a fraction of what you probably intended them to put out.
  • TheEyes
    20th Aug 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • vsams14
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    problem with thdr cannon, thdr is not affected by pressure, therefore only works downwards