• Ubermensch
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I will be hosting a contest for best weapons. It will be a 2 month period during the contest. All you to do is go to a new save i will post 3/21/11 and put your name what kind of weapon you will be making and when you are finished with the weapon just give me the ID number of the weapon save (can be found in history just click the little box with a 7 in it at the bottom left). Then i will make a link on the page with your name. Scoring will be very simple there will be 4 rounds: Round 1 will be size, firing skill, and power; Round 2 will be strength, firing speed, and reisastance to heat cold etc.; Round 3 will be comparison (i'll compare them to real weapons), firing damage, and looks; Round 4 will be only one round and i will have nothing to do with it players from all around that are NOT in the contest will vote on their favorites. The weapon with the most votes total will be the winner. There will be zero self-voting in this contest if your name appears in comments you will get the following punishments: first offence -10 points; second offence -20 points; third offence Discalified. Each round will be worth 50 points at the end of each round on the links will be a number that will be your scorecard. There will be 3 grand prizes and participant awards that will be posted secretly and told to the contestants. If you fail to make a certain amount of points each round you will be discalified and set off with your participant prize and another prize based on what round you made it to. Remember guns, cannons, planes anything as long as it shoots. GOOD LUCK - Ubermensch march 25 is the due date
  • shroom207
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    We cant use a already new weapon made before?
  • Ubermensch
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    if it can shoot and is orginal than you can
  • shroom207
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    A laser is a weapon so is that ok?
  • Ubermensch
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    ya as long as fits the description in the post its cool and i love lasers so i encourage them
  • shroom207
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Can someone of helped you on it?
  • Ubermensch
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    it depends on how much they helped you with it and you would have to be a team in the contest unless if the person that helped dosent have an account like your brother etc.
  • shroom207
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • Ubermensch
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    ya ill allow it in fact its down right awesome
  • pegosh2
    23rd Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink