I started out with a city. It defended its self from BOMB. This is a common question for beginners, I had it, but didn't post the question... Have a look at the creations that get good votes, and attempt to make something better, but different, or whatever you find amusing that you think others would.
@elarctic I started with a rocket. Great idea is a rocket, simple to build (use the walls) and fun to watch! Also, practically any liquid will work as a fuel!
I started with tic-tac-toe... but I am not normal. (Joking)
Depends on what you like to make.
Electronics: The wiki is your friend. Also look at other electronic saves and try to understand them. Start simple (logic gates) then get more advanced (logic gates that do something)
Umm... I just deal with electronics, so thats it.
Oh and read the Do Not Suggest Four. You will save yourself the hardship of being cooked alive =D.
@elarctic My second save was an engine, a hard challenge, fun, but absolutely terrible. I looked around all the other engines and found some decent ones ( @sparkjet's mainly). So I decided to make one.