History: An old locomotive town that boomed when the train was built through it. After a few years and the town was doing good the train moved on to a newer and faster route. The city still continued to grow with a very good mayor and and had a power plant built. The power plant brought in jobs which meant if people were going to be there they need other things like food stores and etc. It started a chain reaction and turned Rowlett into the city it is today.
Buildings: (From left to right) Rowlett oil power plant(built in 1977) TPT tv building(built in 1986) TPT hotel(built in 2004) triangle shirtwaist factory(built in 1967) office building(built in 2000) bank of tpt building(built in 1998) TPT radio(built in 2003) TPT towers(built in 2007) FECO tower(built in 2011) PTCA tower(built in 2010) reunion tower(built in 2006) Brotherhood tower(built in 2009) local electric company(built in 2002) Persistant artist building(built in 2011)