My Wifi Tutorial

  • TheTempest
    5th Apr 2011 Member 1 Permalink
    As I have decided after review of the top five tutorials, my tutorial is the most simple and informative of them. Please just open it, and decide for yourself. I'm not begging for votes, I'm simply trying to get others to see for themselves.

    Please, If you don't like it or agree, just don't vote.

    EDIT: I cleaned it up a little.
  • shroom207
    5th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @TheTempest (View Post)
    Lol yeah thanks a while ago about 2 months ago i did not understand wifi until i read your tutorial.
  • TheTempest
    5th Apr 2011 Member 1 Permalink
    No problem:) I had to figure it out on my own, figured I'd save some people some time.