biggest ever comunity project!

  • Hellome
    5th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    yep, thats right, i am bringing back the good old comunity project.
    and this one is gonna be big!
    by big i mean (number tbc) saves joined together to make one big picture.
    the idea is that i will build a grid with numbers and letters for reffrence (ie. a1,b1), all you need to do is kake a save and send me a link to it in a PM, and guess what, it can be what ever you want, a advert, one if your creations, art.
    as long as it looks good and not nooby, it will go in, imagne this as the milliondollarhomepage, but in powder toy, and free!
    i really hope this work and i hope everybody joins in, the result could be really quite amazing.
    so yeah, pm me with your entry, if you spam me your entry wll not be inclded.
  • randalserrano
    5th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    the size would have to be small, how big would our saves have to be?
  • PizzaPlatypus
    5th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I've PMed my entry, will it get in?
  • Hellome
    5th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    one thing to add, you only get one entry, so i suggest you fill the save up with whatever you can.

    prefrably big
    are yu sure you what that thing in, you can always think abot It.

    oh and it will be a still image, so make it as visual as posble when the simlulation s pausd.

    when i say anything i mean anything, it could be a city, a bomb or a lcd screen, as long as i its bigger than the zoom wndow on full zoom..
    and the thing needs to of taken longer than 5 seconds to make.