Here i am ready to listen to ideas and if i like it ill put it on the "violent comics 2.0" save...... RULES: IT HAS TO BE VIOLENT MWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAHAH Also this is like a competition and its unlikely that i will close this so the winner will also get a logo and a comment from me saying that such n such made it so enjoy and start suggestin.........but on the 25th of april is the date of my next comic so its the comic AFTER that will i put in suggested ideas then after that its my plot so every second comic will be a user suggested plot.......ENJOY!
uhhh my violent comics isnt against the rules so dont bother idc about grammar nazis and this is a thread where u are supposed to suggest ideas not come to me whining about my grammar and the rules and such...
Oh caps in titles apply now aww man and everyone should get over the fact that violent comics exist and cctvdude u pick on everything i do nothing is ever good for little miss perfect. no more ideas im not doing this thread again don't bother replying cuz i won't reply