My Electronics

  • BudCharles
    24th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Do you think they're good? Could I add anything?
  • tothemyers
    24th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Good for your first try, but try some logic gates. (We could use an XOR gate).

    No offense, but compared to the rest, your logo appears to be the most electronically complex thing. Just a little hint.
  • Synergy
    24th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    As tothemyers said, ok for a first try.However you made a very large and overly complex battery that could easily be made in a tenth of the space, same for your loop.

    Some advice. Rather than just creating random little electronic components, combine them and make a machine that carries out a purpose.